Monday, June 4, 2012

10 Simple Tips To Make Life Green

     1. Hydrate your body without hurting the Earth.
 Stop using disposable plastic water bottles and instead invest in steel or glass bottles which are recyclable.

2. Replace shower gel bottles with soaps.
 When your Shower gel gets over, you’re left with an empty plastic bottle, and many communities don’t have the facilities to recycle these. Try swapping your shower gel with super-low-waste soap, preferably from a hand-cut bar or with recyclable paper packaging.

3. Give paper wrap a miss.
Instead of tossing tons of paper, tissue and gift bags each year, get creative and try packaging gifts in reusable items like tea towels, scarves, bandanas and more. Your packaging will be just as pretty, and it will be even more thoughtful.

4. Unplug Electronics.
Electronic items still consume energy when they’re turned off but plugged in, so before you leave the house for the day (and especially if you’re leaving for vacation), unplug all unused devices.

5. Use your old clothes as rags to clean.
Get extra use out of torn or holey t-shirts, towels and more by cutting them up and using them as dust clothes or wash rags.

6. Make paperless payments.
Save some trees by converting to online statements and payments for as many bills as possible. From credit cards to rent to electricity, nearly every bill can be paid electronically now, so just create email folders for statements and payment confirmations to organize and keep track of your payments.

7. Don't Pr-Heat the Oven.
Unless needed, just turn the oven on after you put the dish in it. Also, to see if it's finished just look through the glass instead of opening it. 

8. Save water
Wash only full loads of laundry, and make sure to select the correct load size and use cold water as much as possible. When buying a new washing machine, make sure to choose a high-efficiency model.

9. Get rid of junk mail
There are many services that can help you get rid of junk mail. That will lead to a lot less trees being cut down to take up room in your mailbox.

10. Use Matches instead of lighters.
Lighters are usually considered disposable so they will most likely end up in land fills. You can use the cardboard matches which are much more Eco-friendly because they are made of recycled material.

World Environment Day 2012

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