Friday, February 12, 2010

Youth Participation in National Change

In India More than 60 % of population is under the age of 18-30, so called young Generation. But still we don't have any good policies for youth.Good governance” is rapidly becoming a popular demand.  Enlightened citizens know that only good governance can rid our nation of our poverty, illiteracy, crime, corruption, filth and squalor.Specially young Generation you and me can raise voice actively for banning all these illegal practices in India.

It is said that good governance is too serious a subject to be left to politicians.  That is why, people of our country have to get involved to bring about enlightened governance and consequently, the much needed national change. 

To make ordinary people see the connection between their participation and their nation’s progress however, is the challenge.  And to make them see that they will individually benefit vastly if their nation is on a path of progress and prosperity through good governance, is an even greater challenge.

Yet, unless they see the connection, their involvement in our nation’s political transition from rotten governance to good governance is impossible to obtain.  Unless they get a compelling answer to the common and powerful failing, “what is in it for me”, their involvement will remain elusive.

Illiteracy and poverty are two excellent tools to ensure that ordinary people never see the connection because they remain in a grinding struggle for daily survival that the big picture is not even conceivable.

In this world these are the 2 basic need of people.One, redressal of the immediate problem on hand - which means that NGOs, activists, humanitarian agencies, pressure groups and good Samaritans stay vigorously involved in a nationwide campaign to educate and feed the hundreds of millions of disadvantaged.  And two, the rest of us roll up our sleeves and urgently get to work on ensuring that our nation’s administrative systems begin to work again and the root of the problem is itself eliminated.  That needs systemic change from the top of the administrative machinery, which only good and enlightened governance can initiate. 

Pause on the dimension two for a moment.  In a democracy like India, the nation’s administrative systems are constitutionally controlled by the politicians because our constitution empowers them to govern; and the rest of the administrative machinery is subordinate to the politician.  System failures at every level can therefore be easily caused by the politicians, whether through incompetence or crookery or both.  That is why, the greatest burden of responsibility for misgovernance rests with the politicians, although you can argue that there are others in the administrative value chain who must share the blame for the pathetic state of our nation.

While the NGOs, humanitarian agencies and good Samaritans are well upto the task, the government clearly has no motivation to educate the people.  This disinterest is frequently labeled “does not have the political will”.  And why should they – after all illiteracy breeds poverty and poverty allows control through purchase of votes.  So the government’s lack of political will is understandable.

But that does not make it right.

To create the political will, to start a nationwide literacy campaign, you need new politicians - actually a new breed of politicians who are progressive, educated, enlightened and patriotic.  Fortunately, there are millions of Indians who meet the bill.  Such Indians need a new political platform to engage in the nation’s political process, a platform that is dignified, safe and constitutional.

Logically then, “rolling up our sleeves and urgently getting to work on ensuring that our nation’s administrative systems begin to work” can only be done if you participate in the nations affairs politically.
 Progressive Indians who feel strongly that good governance is the need of the day must stand for elections, win, sit in Parliament and ensure systemic change is quickly brought top-down so that poverty and illiteracy are rooted out. So Choose the right people in Politics,that can give us better governance and growth.

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